两高律师事务所 > 个人介绍

美国纽约州执业律师,中国执业律师。从2009年开始从事反垄断业务,常年代理经营者集中、行政调查和民事案件。著作包括《Merger Control in China》以及常年在美国Antitrust Report上发表专业文章。
- 代表扬子江药业有限公司应对国家市场监督管理总局就纵向价格垄断协议(RPM) 的调查
- 代理北京托毕西药业有限公司获得反垄断民事案件管辖一审和二审胜利,并获得最高人民法院发布2023年人民法院反垄断和反不正当竞争典型案例(“巴曲酶”原料药拒绝交易纠纷管辖权异议案【北京知识产权法院(2022)京73民初1136号】——拒绝交易纠纷的管辖确定)
- 代理北京托毕西药业有限公司获得反垄断民事赔偿一审胜利,并获得超过2000万元的高额赔偿 【北京知识产权法院(2022)京73民初1136号】
- 代理北京托毕西药业有限公司获得首例未达经营者集中申报标准的经营者集中审查的附条件通过,该案获得2023年度市场监管总局发布2023年民生领域反垄断执法专项行动第三批典型案例(2023年9月22日,市场监管总局依法附加限制性条件批准先声药业有限公司收购北京托毕西药业有限公司股权案)
- 常年代理腾讯集团知识产权、反垄断法律事务
- 国务院反垄断专家委员会主持,中国政法大学主要负责的《反垄断法》修法专家小组成员(共8人), 负责《反垄断法》第四章,经营者集中。
- 中国政法大学民商经济法学院(反垄断方向)博士后研究员
- 曾任美国明尼苏达州州税法法院主法官助理,协助法官处理州内纳税主要企业的税法案件,独立向法官出具法律意见书并为法官撰写判决书。
税法硕士 美国西北大学法学院
法律博士 美国明尼苏达大学法学院
法学学士 中国政法大学
Authored Treatises (出版著作):
- Merger Control in China, LexisNexis (published in July 2017 in the U.S. and annually updated, available at https:// www.amazon.com/Merger-Control-China-Jianzhong-Shi-ebook-dp-B08MMP5CL2/dp/B08MMP5CL2/ref=mt_other?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1621396227)
- The Investor’s Guide to the Chinese Tax System: Navigating Safely Through Unfamiliar Water, LexisNexis (published in 2012 in the U.S. and annually updated)
- Chinese Patent Law, A Practical Guide (Editor, to be published globally by Kluwer Law in June 2021)
- How TikTok “Locks In” Its Users with Reference to What Happened in the Homeland Version Douyin Application, LexisNexis, Antitrust Report, September 2023
- Quasi-Property Right against Data Misappropriation, submitted in February 2023
- A Discussion of the Regime of a Collective Dominance in China, forthcoming Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, May 2023
- A Comparative View of Chinese, U.S. and E.U. Law
- Yang Yang, The Chinese National People’s Congress amends the Anti-Monopoly Law to increase focus on activities in the digital sector, 24 June 2022, e-Competitions June 2022, Art. N° 107935
- Yang Yang, The Chinese National People’s Congress requests public comments on the draft amendment to antitrust law, 23 October 2021, e-Competitions October 2021, Art. N° 105851
- ComparativeAnalysis on RPM between EU and China, Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, June 2021
- The Definition of an “Agreement”: A Report on Chinese Cartel Enforcement in a Comparative View with the U.S. and E.U., Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, December 2020
- Chinese Private Ligation Rules Compared With The Apple v. Pepper Supreme Court Decision – the Standing and Burden of Proof in Private Enforcement? COMPETITION POLICY INTERNATIONAL, November2020
- Cartel Enforcement before and After the SAMR, Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, forthcoming, April 2020
- Chinese Enforcement of International Cartels, Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, January, 2020
- ABA Global Private Litigation Blog Post # 5: Rainbow v. Johnson & Johnson, American Bar Association, Antitrust Section Forum
- Chinese Private Ligation Rules and the Apple v. Pepper Supreme Court Decision – Standing and Burden of Proof in Private Enforcement, Competition Policy International, November, 2019
- A Question Arisen from the Recent Google EU Fine on Abusing Dominance in the Market of Online Advertising Intermediary? Shall it be Assessed in the Ecosystem of Digital Advertising Market? Antitrust Report, LexisNexis, September 2019.
- Contract ≠ Agreement Shall We Condemn All Parties in a Vertical Agreement as Co-Conspirators Comparative View on Vertical Agreements between U.S. and China, in Antitrust Report,forthcoming July 2019
- A Comparative Analysis of Antitrust Approaches to Resale Price Maintenance in China and the United States and Recommendations for China Going Forward, COMPETITION POLICY INTERNATIONAL, March 2019
- Intellectual Property Right Holders and Dominance, COMPETITION POLICY INTERNATIONAL, Feb 27, 2015 (https://www.competitionpolicyinternational.com/intellectual-property-right-holders-and-dominance/)
- New Developments in Chinese Tax Rule on Losses from Financial-Derivative Trading, CCH JOURNAL OF TAXATION OF FINANCIAL PRODUCTS
- Anti-Commercial Bribery Regime, NEW JERSEY STATE BAR ASSOCIATION, “Business Law” Newsletter, Vol. 35, No.1, July 2011
- Chinese Courts Adopt Cautious Attitudes in Applying “Fundamental Change in Circumstances” Provision in Contractual Disputes Arising From the Global Economic Downturn, Vol. 7, Issue 1 2011, CHINA LAW REPORTER, ABA Section of International Law
- Chinese Tax Rule on Losses from Financial-Derivative Trading, Vol. 9, Issue 1 2010, CCH JOURNAL OF TAXATION OF FINANCIAL PRODUCTS
- Financial Derivatives Traded in Chinese Markets, Vol. 2009 No.12 CHINA TRIAL (December 2009) (In Chinese)
- Notes & Trends in Tax, Vol. 65, No.5 BENCH & BAR OF MINNESOTA, 55-60 (May & June 2008) (with Prof. Kathryn J. Sedo) – commented on newly decided cases, including MeadWestvaco Corp. v. Illinois Department of Revenue involving unitary businesses in multistate enterprises and also on newly passed legislation such as the Canada-U.S. Tax Treaty Fifth Protocol
- Notes & Trends in Tax, Vol. 65, No.3 BENCH & BAR OF MINNESOTA, 50-54 (Mar. 2008) (with Prof. Kathryn J. Sedo) – commented on newly enacted regulations such as Notice 2008-10 (certain outbound reorganizations subject to recognition of gain under IRC §367(a)) and also on newly passed legislation such as the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008
- Notes & Trends in Tax, Vol. 64, No.11 BENCH & BAR OF MINNESOTA, 40-44 (Dec. 2007) (with Prof. Kathryn J. Sedo) – commented on legislative developments such as the Trade Assistance Bill H.R. 3920 and Senate hearings on the tax treatment of compensation paid to hedge fund managers (H.R. 3996)